Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Prov 4:23

Proverbs 4:23 says, 'guard your heart with all diligence'.

Today it occurs to me that here is something I don't do much but I should do more. After all, it does say, with ALL diligence.

When my life is wafting along in a serene sorta way and then something comes to upset me; let's say bad health. or financial pressure. or conflict in a relationship. I will struggle and thrash and ache and fight. My mind will be a perfect whirl of thoughts and scenarios and ways that I could try to elude this trial (if I can) or diminish its effect on me. And then God always steps into a greater visibility. Usually He doesn't make the ick go away. But He reminds me of true things and I discover the incomparable sweetness of Emmanuel forever more right beside me. 100% of the time I have discovered myself grateful for the situation that had caused such turmoil, because it has revealed to me better views of this glorious God. How admirable He is!

So what does this say about those in between seasons of the serene wafting? God is there. Always there. Plenty dazzling and glorious and the giver of all that goodness. He has generously formed my life to be jammed full of good people, a good life, a worthy calling, provision for all I need. I love my life and the days of my life. But I am in no little grave danger here of being satisfied with only that. To hug myself with joy over the things in my life and the situation I am in is to miss out on how glorious it is to have Emmanuel here. To be free from distraction to admire this Good God is my goal. But God doesn't have to remove everything in order for me to be clearer sighted. I need to seek His provision to be free from idolatry. I John 5:21 says, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols."

I want to learn how to do that.

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