I am shamelessly robbing some Wendell Berry, Jayber Crow to be precise. (pg 268 to be exact.) Jaber is visiting with the recent widow of a good friend. She is trying to put into words how two things can be true, her husband 'finally got free of his sickness and awful clumsiness' which made her glad. And yet she was so sorry that she was glad. Seems wrong.
And then Jayber ponders. 'I thought an unimaginable thought of something I could almost imagine, of a sound I could not imagine but could almost hear: the outcry when a soul shakes off death at last and comes into Heaven. I don't speak of this because I 'know' it. What I know is that shout of limitless joy, love unbound at last, our only native tongue.'
Can you pause for a moment and think what liberty and breath and swelling joy it will be? When the carrying around death in our body is finally done. When the scent we smell (that comes off of us) is Not decay, but life. When our timeless body only looks ahead to glory and even more life. There has to be shouts and leaps for joy when we realize that its finally our turn for that life.
Oh I wait for the day. This is beautiful and so true. I could dream about "When the carrying around death in our body is finally done. When the scent we smell (that comes off of us) is Not decay, but life. When our timeless body only looks ahead to glory and even more life." Those words are powerful. They put hope in my heart.