When the disciples were on a boat that was being flooded and tossed and tipped. When experienced sailors began to despair of life (and a tax collector and political activist, and...)Then Jesus spoke these words. English translations say, 'It is I, do not be afraid' . But the Greek (so says pastor Loos) says, 'I am no fear'.
Like the same' I am' that Moses heard when he was trembling with respect and awe before Jahweh. The same 'I am' that caused Uzzah to die because his hand touched the ark of God. In the OT 'I am' was a name of God that called out respect, awe, fear, bare feet, turned away heads, bowed down posture. But in Christ, it makes fear go away.
Have you ever let your mind track back a sin? Like look for a sin root? Like here I am tempted (or recently fallen) and that sin of idolatry came from where? Or that sin of lying came from where? I could be wrong (since I often am) but I wonder if all sin comes from a root stock of fear. Anger certainly does. I am afraid I am losing something so I get mad. Idolatry is the same. I am afraid that this need of mine is going unmet, and maybe unmet forever. So I create my own solution to its void. Revenge, pride, greed. I can see how fear that my life is not being considered important enough to others can cause me to create my own rules.
So when our good and kind God says, 'I am'...I ought to hear that where my heart makes decisions. And watch His presence replace any other thing.
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