Monday, January 31, 2011

some good adivse given to me

Well, maybe not to me personally but found by me in the pages of some writings.

Philip Yancy says that God reveals Himself to us either as the Lover or as the Father. And there is a big difference. The Lover, an independent being, is longing for oneness with another independent being, so that they are seriously affected by any sort of separation. While the Father is creatively bringing instruction and events into the life of a very dependent being, so that he/she develops independence and a mature faith.

And then I heard some thoughts on the difference between complaining and lamenting. A complainer would be challenged by the Father to see his mind renewed into more grateful thoughts. or more humble ones. or less selfish ones. But the Lover would draw the lamenter into his arms to comfort and weep with sincere tears. He loves to join into all the emotions of His beloved.

So as I await, again, test results that may or may not be significant I realize that there are places that God is using this to grow me up. He is stretching me toward maturity and the capacity to bear my own burden. AND He is very pleased when I grieve in His presence. Both of these dynamics are happening in me right now. And it is good!

1 comment:

  1. I've been ready Yancey lately too.
    last year it was Disappointment with God.
    Now its Reaching for the Invisible God.

    and that has been punctuated by the sermon sunday at our church....
    10 good things about suffering.
    sounds like an oxymoron!
